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Piccadilly Wood 4x4

Site Rules & Disclaimer

Site Rules

1)    Site speed limit is 5 m.p.h.

2)    Please only drive sections commensurate to your ability and that of your vehicle.

3)    Show due care and consideration to other drivers on the site.

4)    Keep off the dams and grassed slopes above the ponds.

5)    If you need to get out of the vehicle to inspect an obstacle please be aware of other vehicles coming from behind hills and trees.

6)    Please respect the neighbours especially when arriving and leaving.No HORNS or shouting PLEASE.

7)    Drivers – please be aware you are responsible for the safety and behaviour of your passengers while you are on this site.

8)    I accept full responsibility and liability for any injury, damage or loss to my vehicle, myself or members of my party, or other third parties arising directly or indirectly from my actions, and will not hold the site owners responsible in any way for any injury, damage or loss.

9)    On entering the site you are agreeing that photographs of your car and /or members of your party may appear on our web site.



To be signed upon entry

Regulation and condition of entry including parking rules


Disclaimer – Piccadilly Wood

Off-Road Driving can be a dangerous activity and your standard vehicle insurance will be invalid.  The Valley is a natural environment and the obstacles within the area can be dangerous and must be treated  with appropriate care.  As a safety aid the ponds  and grass slopes above the ponds will be clearly fenced as “out of bounds” – please keep well clear as the waters are VERY deep.


Under no circumstances should you attempt anything you do not feel qualified or capable of doing in a safe and controlled way.


Quads must wear helmets.We strongly advise that safety helmets are worn and fire extinguishers are carried. Seat Belts must be worn by all vehicle occupants


Please make sure you read and understand the site rules before signing this disclaimer.



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